We are in Transition
In search of a new rector...
[Jeremiah 29:13].
Our Present Position
Every so often in the life of a parish, there is a change in leadership and our Church is presently at that point. During this period of transition, we are currently being led by an Interim Rector, Rev. John Weatherly, who is charged with the responsibility of stabilizing the church and otherwise preparing us to call and receive a new Rector. Rev. Weatherly is being ably assisted by Rev. Francisco Valle, our Associate Rector.
The period of transition normally tends to be somewhat disruptive, but this church is handling it remarkably well, thanks to the guidance from Dr. Robert Phillips, Canon for Leadership Development and Congregational Care. Dr. Phillips has ably replaced Rev. Paula Clark, Canon to the Ordinary, our Church House counselor responsible for Ecclesiastical Development, who was our original and equally capable mentor.
An integral part of this process is the commissioning of a Search Committee that has the responsibility, under the guidance of the diocesan Office of Transition Ministry (OTM), of fielding, vetting and narrowing down the list of eligible candidates for the position. The short list will then be presented to the Vestry for approval and, hopefully a calling.
The Search Committee
Search Committee members are long-established members of the congregation in good standing. They have all been, and continue to be involved in various ministries, committees, organizations and functions within the Church, attributes which make them unquestionably qualified to serve on this committee. In constituting the committee, an effort was made to obtain volunteers from as wide a cross section of the congregation as possible, representing all three services.
Although the final composition was randomly selected, the luck of the draw gave us a committee comprising male and female members, seven (07) ethnic backgrounds and six (06) nationalities. Indeed, this Search Committee is quite reflective of the diversity of our congregation and represents a prototypical cross section of it.
The Search Committee members are as follows:
Fatmata McCormack (Chair); Erica Mitchell (Co-Chair); Jacqueline Skerritt; Nancy Hewett; Idali Gotay; Varney Perry; and Elizabeth Panox.
We are making progress...
The Search Committee will endeavour to keep our congregation, as well as all interested parties, abreast of the progress we are making in the quest to find a new Rector for our Church.
After much deliberation, evaluation and extensive vetting, we made the decision to recommend our then assistant rector, the Reverend Francisco Valle, to be our Priest-in-Charge. Consequently, the Vestry officially called him to the post during their July 2021 sitting.
As such, Rev. Valle, whose bio can be found below, will now be evaluated in this capacity, with a view to be called as our fifth rector in the not too distant future.